Jumat, 09 Juni 2023

Third Singapore-UAE Joint Committee Meeting - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

         Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Foreign Affairs and Second Minister for Education Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman and UAE Minster of State His Excellency Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh co-chaired the Third Singapore-UAE Joint Committee (SUJC) meeting on 8 June 2023. The SUJC co-chairs reaffirmed the excellent state of bilateral relations as reflected in the Singapore-UAE Comprehensive Partnership signed in 2019. As small states and hubs in our respective regions, Singapore and the UAE share a mutual interest in promoting multilateralism and a rules-based world order. The co-chairs had a productive discussion on areas to strengthen cooperation such as education, trade and investment, energy, and climate change. The text of the Joint Communique of the 3rd SUJC is appended.


         Following the SUJC meeting, Minister Maliki hosted lunch for Minister Al Sayegh and they had a useful exchange of views on regional and global developments.  




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8 JUNE 2023




Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Foreign Affairs and Second Minister for Education of the Republic of Singapore Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman and Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh co-chaired the Third Singapore–UAE Joint Committee (JC) in Singapore on 8 June 2023.

The Ministers reaffirmed the excellent ties between both countries built on mutual trust and respect.  The Ministers acknowledged the SUJC’s important role in facilitating bilateral cooperation between both countries which complements collaboration through the Abu Dhabi-Singapore Joint Forum (ADSJF). As small states and hubs in their respective regions, Singapore and the UAE share many common interests and challenges. The Ministers welcomed the healthy momentum of visits at the political and officials’ level and the shared desire to strengthen bilateral collaboration.  Singapore looks forward to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong visiting the UAE at a mutually convenient date.



        The Ministers noted the strong trade and investment partnership between Singapore and the UAE which remains a cornerstone of Singapore-UAE relations.  Both countries are among each other’s top trading partners. Many Singapore companies have an established presence in the UAE and likewise UAE companies in Singapore. The ADSJF, which held its 14th iteration earlier this year, has served as an effective platform for public and private sector entities from both countries to develop mutually beneficial partnerships.

The Ministers welcomed discussions between Etihad Credit Insurance and Enterprise Singapore to explore the strengthening of commercial linkages and the expansion of the types of goods flowing between the two countries through export credit solutions. The Ministers also acknowledged the interest of AD Ports Group in expanding its commercial presence in Singapore and Southeast Asia. The Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) affirmed Singapore’s strong trade relations with the UAE and other Members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). MTI briefed the UAE on its proposal to review and upgrade the Gulf Cooperation Council – Singapore Free Trade Agreement (GSFTA) and sought the UAE’s support for the proposal. The UAE expressed its interest to pursue a bilateral Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with Singapore, building upon the achievements made on the GSFTA. Both sides look forward to each other’s response to their respective proposals. MTI also welcomed the UAE’s interest to join the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) to enable further collaboration in digital trade. The UAE expressed its gratitude to Singapore for the clarifications provided on DEPA, and sought Singapore’s support for the UAE’s accession process to DEPA. The Ministers acknowledged the UAE’s efforts in enhancing existing commercial laws to protect the interests of foreign owned companies. Both countries will continue to use the ADSJF and the Singapore - UAE JC to promote economic collaboration across all sectors to benefit our businesses and peoples.


        The Ministers welcomed the mutual interest by Singapore and UAE entities to strengthen collaboration in clean and renewable energy. MTI and the UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure agreed to exchange information and share the best practices on the latest clean energy technologies, and policies to improve Demand Side Management and energy efficiency. Both parties agreed to discuss their respective plans for developing grid capabilities, regulating power markets, as well as diversifying energy supply with renewables and cross-border trade of clean energy. Both sides also welcomed discussions on proposals to import low carbon electricity into Singapore and potential commercial opportunities to collaborate in clean energy projects involving floating solar assets in support of decarbonisation efforts. 


        The Ministers underlined the importance of working together to address the serious threat of climate change. The Singapore Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE) and the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) agreed to share knowledge in air quality management and the adoption of a circular economy. 


        The Ministers welcomed the UAE’s hosting of the United Nations Framework Convention 28th Conference of Parties (COP-28) in Dubai later this year and reaffirmed COP-28’s importance in promoting global action on climate change. Both sides agreed to explore mutually beneficial collaboration on green transition and climate-resilient development under the ambit of COP-28.


The Ministers welcomed the agreement by Singapore and the UAE to commence negotiations on a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty promptly.


        The Ministers welcomed the ongoing discussions between the Ministry of Education in the UAE and the Ministry of Education in Singapore with the aim of signing a memorandum of understanding in the field of education.Both sides encouraged higher education institutions to collaborate in the areas of lifelong learning, internships, student and faculty exchanges, and scientific research.

The Fourth Singapore-UAE JC 

The Ministers looked forward to the Fourth Singapore - UAE JC, to be held in the UAE at a mutually convenient date. 



Signed in Singapore on 8 June 2023, in two originals in English.



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Photo Caption: UAE Minister of State His Excellency Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs and Second Minister for Education Dr Mohamad Maliki at the Third Singapore-UAE Joint Committee (SUJC) meeting on 8 June 2023

Photo Credits: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

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