DICE has confirmed that Battlefield 2042 on last-gen will continue to get the same content updates as the current-gen version. Despite some disparities between generations, DICE is making a proper effort to support those who will be playing Battlefield 2042 on last-gen platforms for the foreseeable future. The developer doesn't seem to be trying to brush the last-gen version of the game under the rug as it seems a lot of players will be playing the game on Xbox One and PS4 when it launches.
Earlier this year, it was confirmed that Battlefield 2042 will have different player counts for each generation. On Xbox One and PS4, the game will have the standard 64 players and smaller maps to fit the player count. On Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC, the game will support 128 players with significantly larger maps. The core content of the game will still remain intact, but this also means players can't play crossplay with those on different hardware generations due to the differences in player count and map size.
Still, DICE wants to make sure that players get the proper Battlefield 2042 experience. The developer stressed during a press event that it feels strongly about the last-gen versions, sharing some pretty impressive Xbox One footage with attendees. The game has been pushed to its limits on last-gen consoles, but DICE promised to continue to support it with its live service updates in the future. Whether or not there will be differences in the scope of the content remains to be seen, but the updates will definitely come to last-gen.
Similarly, Battlefield 2042 has a cross-gen bundle. Anyone who purchases the game on PS5 or Xbox Series X will get the game on last-gen. This will cost just $10 more than the standard edition on last-gen, but it at least guarantees a copy of the game on current-gen if they choose to upgrade at a later date. It's good to see DICE trying to ensure last-gen players are left behind, especially with the shortage of the new consoles.
Whether or not DICE has to leave players behind at some point remains to be seen. It seems likely that DICE would eventually have to cut the cord depending on how long it plans to support the game. EA noted Battlefield 2042 could be supported for years, which would hopefully be enough time for the new consoles to become readily available. Either way, last-gen players don't have to worry about missing out on too much in the foreseeable future.
Battlefield 2042 will release on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC on November 19, 2021.
About The Authorhttps://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiRmh0dHBzOi8vc2NyZWVucmFudC5jb20vYmF0dGxlZmllbGQtMjA0Mi1wczQteGJveC1vbmUtbmV4dC1nZW4tc3VwcG9ydC_SAUpodHRwczovL3NjcmVlbnJhbnQuY29tL2JhdHRsZWZpZWxkLTIwNDItcHM0LXhib3gtb25lLW5leHQtZ2VuLXN1cHBvcnQvYW1wLw?oc=5
2021-10-06 07:00:00Z
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