An anime adaptation of the Arknights mobile game has been announced, with the first season, titled Prelude to Dawn, “coming soon.” An announcement trailer was also released.
The anime is being produced by Yostar Pictures, which has previously produced many animated promotional videos for Arknights, including the recent Under Tides anime trailer.
Arknights is a free-to-play tower defense gacha game developed by Hypergryph. The game was released in China in 2019 and received its worldwide release in 2020.
Google Play describes the game as:
Take on the role of a key member of Rhodes Island, a pharmaceutical company that fights both a deadly infection and the unrest it leaves in its wake. Together with your leader Amiya, you’ll recruit Operators, train them, then assign them to various operations to protect the innocent and resist those who would thrust the world into turmoil.
Source: Arknights English Twitter
2021-10-24 14:59:23Z
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