Selasa, 22 Desember 2020

How do I talk to my manager about my hearing loss? Ask HR - USA TODAY

Johnny C. Taylor Jr.  |  Special to USA TODAY

Johnny C. Taylor Jr., a human resources expert, is tackling your questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world's largest HR professional society.

The questions are submitted by readers, and Taylor's answers below have been edited for length and clarity.

Have a question? Do you have an HR or work-related question you’d like me to answer? Submit it here.

Question: I work for a Fortune 500 company, and our team has been working remotely for several months. My colleagues don’t know that I have hearing loss. I’ve kept that private until now.  I realize I am having an incredibly difficult time working remotely because I can’t hear clearly on conference calls and Zoom meetings. It’s slowing me down and hurting my productivity. What should I do? – Anonymous

Johnny C. Taylor Jr.: It’s definitely time to speak up. The important thing is that you recognize your hearing loss is inhibiting your productivity, and I can imagine how frustrating it is for you. But – there are solutions to support you.  

First, I recommend speaking to your manager and HR to discuss possible accommodations to help you work around your hearing loss. Several options may be available depending on the situation. If hearing aids could benefit you, your employer might be able to help. Although they are not required to pay for them directly, some may, or will help you work with your insurance plan to explore cost-effective options.

Your employer can also identify hearing-related accommodations specific to virtual meetings. Together, you can explore available technology options, like using the raise-a-hand option in video meetings to ask for clarification or for someone to repeat themselves. Transcripts, captioning, or amplification can also help hearing-impaired employees with video- or phone-related challenges.

A meeting agenda distributed in advance could be a guide to help you navigate the topics during the call. The host could also ask your colleagues to mute their microphones to reduce background noise and to face their camera directly to optimize their audio level and enable you to lip read. I would also check if it’s possible to record meetings. That way, you can take your time to relisten to the parts you may have missed.

Also, I want to stress the importance of your teammates – don’t be afraid to rely on them! Ask if you could be paired with a buddy who can help fill any gaps in information shared.

Many of us have disabilities or medical conditions that our colleagues may or may not be aware of. By sharing what’s going on with your employer, you’re giving them the opportunity to help you feel empowered, equipped, and productive.

More pay: Should I request a raise during the pandemic? Ask HR


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Q: Our employer wants to implement random COVID-19 tests for members of our department. We are emergency response workers, so we have certain Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines that we fall under. Is it legal to do randomized tests? I would think a company would test everyone or no one. Is this a breach of privacy? – Anonymous

Taylor: Thank you for your service as an emergency responder. Under normal circumstances, this is a demanding career – I can only imagine the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employers are taking critical steps to provide a reasonably safe environment for employees – especially in lines of work that affect vulnerable populations. Most companies haven’t managed through a pandemic, so they are learning – and innovating – every day. Transparent communication is crucial to ensure everyone is on the same page and remains healthy.

To answer your question, testing employees for COVID-19 is not a breach of privacy. The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission allows employers to conduct COVID-19 tests because “an individual with the virus will pose a direct threat to the health of others.”

While the CDC and the EEOC have not yet provided guidance on random COVID-19 testing, the EEOC states employers testing for COVID-19 should do so in a manner consistent with CDC guidelines. The CDC provides five situations where testing may be appropriate:

1. Testing employees who show symptoms

2. Testing employees who have been exposed to the virus

3. Testing all employees each shift or at regular intervals

4. Testing once-infected employees before they return to work

5. Testing to evaluate protective measures or find transmission hot spots at work 

I’ll share this: Your employer should make sure the testing selection is truly random and not prone to discriminatory practice. While testing employees for COVID-19 is not considered a breach of privacy, the results should be treated as confidential medical information.

Remember, this is uncharted territory – for organizations, employers and HR professionals. Attempts to establish 100% certainty about anything related to the virus can cause even more tension, debates, and complications for the team. Know that your employer is working around the clock to protect the safety and well-being of staff and patients. I hope you and your team remain safe and healthy during this time!

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2020-12-22 12:00:26Z

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